Streamlined CEO

Strategize for Success: What's Your Systems Gameplan?

Karalee Gault Episode 38

Ready to transform your business with a systems game plan that truly fits your unique needs? That's exactly what we're unpacking today! Join me, Karalee, as I take you through the foundational steps to streamline your business operations, regardless of where you're at in your entrepreneurial journey. We're talking about the nitty-gritty of task management, scheduling, and the absolute game-changer for me – ClickUp. However, for those of you who still swear by the charm of paper planners or other digital tools, I've got some insights that could make all the difference in maximizing how you allocate your time, both professionally and personally.

This episode isn't just about strategies; it's an invitation to deep-dive into self-reflection and pinpoint where your current practices can evolve. Whether you're sketching out your first operations blueprint or revamping an existing one, the focus is on creating a tailored game plan that drives your business forward. And for those who want a bit more direction, I've got resources like a free systems checklist and bonus episodes ready for you. If you're all about that VIP treatment, there's a comprehensive course or even a week-long one-on-one session with me to get you up to speed. So, put on your thinking caps and let's start piecing together the systems that will shape your success!

Karalee covered 2 of the foundational systems, you can grab her free Systems Checklist to grab the 3 other foundational systems too!

You can check out episode 35 mastering task management for more in depth steps.

Check out episode 21 about revamping your schedule for how I do this more in depth.

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Hello, hello, amazing humans, welcome back to Neurodivergent Bytes. I'm your host, Karalee, and today we're going to be talking about what in the world is a systems game plan and what does your systems game plan actually look like? So we're talking the plan that is, for either implementing your systems or streamlining them, depending on where you are in your business. Okay, so first we're going to go back to the basics, right, we're going to go back to what are systems and the definition, and so the definition of systems is a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done. It's an organized framework or method. So, based off of that, when we're talking about systems in business, we're essentially talking about the processes, so ftware . et, that allow you to run your business operations. Okay, and if you're new around here, I'm an operations specialist, and so we're going to be digging, digging into what your systems game plan could look like today and on a few other future episodes as well. So let's jump into creating your systems game plan and to also say your game plan is going to be unique to you and your desired outcome. All right, so no game plan is going to look the same, although some may be similar. All right. So here's what things to think about when you're creating your systems game plan, all right. So number one here is where are you in your business? Right, are you just starting out, so you're starting from scratch when it comes to your systems, or are you an established business that has systems. It needs to streamline them for efficient operations Right, these are two completely different starting points, and today we're actually going to be focusing on those starting from scratch. So now, if you're an established business and you're listening, you can keep listening, as this may be helpful to you as well to kind of get your mind thinking. And then next week's episode is actually going to be on streamlining systems for established businesses. So we're going to come at it from one point of view this week and then another point of view next week. All right, we're not leaving anyone out. So the second thing that you want to think about is your foundational systems. So one of the most foundational systems in business is how to keep track of what you need to do and win.


Okay, that's where a task management or project management system comes into play. All right, if you have been listening to this podcast, you know I'm a huge click up fan. Right, which is a task management system, and um. But you can have a task management system that is a paper planner. It could be a digital software like click up, or it could be something completely different. So I want you to ask yourself do you have a task management system? How are you keeping track of what in the world is going on in your business and what needs to be done, and by when? Right, do we have this plan already? Like, do we have this software? Maybe it's just sitting there, right?


There's a lot of people that start to implement task management systems and then they get overwhelmed and then they just hit the abort button and they don't go back to it for a really long time. All right, so if you're one of those people, that's totally cool. We can get you back into a task management system and there's plenty of resources available to you, especially if you want to try out click up, so you can check the show notes for any of those things as well. But I want you to ask yourself do you have the system or do you have a system that you're wanting to implement? We don't have to have all the answers right now on what we're going to use for task management system. But do you have one? What do you think you want to do? Start really brainstorming on it. So grab that notebook when you're in a safe place to write down things, or create that auto or that verbal note right in your phone, whatever you need to do.


Okay, so that is the second thing. So the first one was is where are you at in your business? And the second one was is do you have a task management system to even start this plan to keep track of things? Okay, and the third one that we're going to cover today is what about your schedule? Do you have a method? Do how you get things done with all the things going on in your life and in your business? Okay, so I'm going to be 100% honest.


I just said on my mastermind call this morning that I have let my schedule get really out of hand. I've broke a lot of boundaries, I have let my time management get really lax for the last couple of months, and I'm really starting to see it as my workload is picked up again, seeing how being lax on that has actually affected my business, and so it's really really important to go back to the basics here and really establish a really good method for you to really get a good, clean understanding of your schedule and how much time you actually have to work on your business, how much time you have for your life, what are your priorities and all of those things. Okay, so I want you to actually start thinking about how you spend the hours of your day. Do you have any routines? Do you already have black time? Do you use a calendar? See what you have in those patterns that you already have going on in your day to day and note those. Right, like I said, when you're in a safe, like I said, when you're in a safe spot, don't, definitely don't do that with your driving and listening, right? So really think about these three questions.


Where are you at in your business? Do you have your foundational system of at least task management system and what does your schedule look like? Is it chaotic? Does it have patterns? You know, start evaluating these things, start brainstorming them down, start, you know, reflecting on it to really get an understanding about it. So these are actually the two that we're going to be talking about a bit more today, right, but you can grab my free systems checklist to grab the other foundational systems too, okay. So there's five foundational systems that I talk about in my systems checklist, and we covered the task management and the schedule one, and there's three more that you can grab there totally free, and that's in the show notes. Okay, and if you're also wanting to dig deeper into the task management, right, I dig deeper in Episode 35, mastering your task management for more in depth steps Okay, you can grab that exact direct link to that episode in the show notes as well, and you can also check out Episode 21, where I talk about revamping your schedule and how to do that more in depth as well, and that one is linked too, okay. So, as you're, as you're like creating and thinking about the systems game plan, right, we need a roadmap, though I just gave you some things to think about to kind of get you started. But after you're done creating your systems game plan and to get you implementing it, you know, taking action on it right, that's implementing, taking action.


These are some possible side effects. Imagine if you could minimize your workload right, cause it's more efficient. You could save 10 hours a week right, cause you're more efficient. You can alleviate your mental strain because you're not trying to think about all the things. Right, because you're more efficient, you can have more freedom. Right, because you're more efficient, make money in your sleep. Right, because you have automations and you're more efficient with them. Right, that makes you more efficient. You can have a schedule that works for you. Right, because you've created it to work for you and you can have time for your business but also your personal life. Right, because you created it.


Now, in order to create this, you have to have a plan, right?


If that's what you're desiring, I need you to take this step. This is just step one. You need to take this action. Then I'm going to come back next week and we're going to talk about how we can actually more streamline these operations. If you are like I want to jump in, you can grab the systems checklist, which is free. You can take a listen to those other two bonus episodes that I linked below as well. That is just how you get started.


But if you're like I want your framework for this systems game plan, you can absolutely grab the framework for the systems game plan.


There's a course, or you can grab the VIP week, because it depends on if you are wanting to do it yourself, brainstorm it yourself, or if you're wanting to do it with me, those are your two options.


This is just step one to really get you thinking about things. But if you're ready to take that next step and really create the systems game plan and, even farther, to have a plan to implement these things with some accountability and some resources, then there are even more options available to you. We'll talk about more of those options next week as well when we talk about streamlining them. If you have any questions, you're always welcome to head on over to Instagram and send me a DM. I'd be happy to connect with you and get some of these questions answered for you. Have an amazing rest of your day. I really hope that you are on a great first step to getting the systems game plan into place for yourself, even if it's just a brainstorming step like what is the plan? Because when you have a plan, it's far easier to actually implement and execute on it. Bye for now.