Streamlined CEO

Capacity & Burnout: A CEO's Survival Guide

Karalee Gault Season 1 Episode 37

Are you struggling to manage your time and energy effectively? If so, you're not alone. In the latest edition of Neurodivergent Bytes, I'm Karalee and we're exploring the vital components of capacity and burnout. I will guide you through how to determine your unique time and energy thresholds, helping you create a schedule that respects your limits and well-being. 

This isn't your typical productivity talk; I'll explain the concepts of time blocking and time boxing, and share my own secret sauce to success – emotional capacity. It is more than just checking off tasks; it's about incorporating joy into your workflow and prioritizing what brings you happiness. For CEOs, I have customized strategies tailored to your personality and energy levels. 

Join me to transform your workday and avoid burnout. Tune in, take notes, and let's put your well-being first!

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Hello, hello, amazing humans, welcome back to Neurodivergent Bytes. I am your host, Karalee, and today we're going to be talking about capacity and burnout. So we're going to start with capacity because capacity is the biggest component here. Capacity specifically time and energy capacity is what we're going to be talking about today. So, the maximum amount that something can contain Okay, capacity is the maximum amount that something can contain, and that means the maximum amount of meetings, events, appointments, etc. That can be on your schedule. That means the maximum amount of those exact things that your energy will allow you to have. So, for example, if Zoom calls drain you right, they drain your energy. You're not going to put five Zoom calls on your schedule in any single day. That's just not realistic for you, right? However, you may be comfortable with one or two. So how you structure your schedule goes hand in hand with your time and energy capacity, all right, are you following me here? The amount that your body and brain, right, can actually hold, the amount of tasks and things like that, okay. So some people like time blocking, which is setting aside a certain chunks of time to focus on a given task or activity. Usually, this is to completion, all right. And some people like time boxing, which is setting a fixed amount of time in your calendar for a particular task, but not necessarily to completion. Okay, Time blocking and time boxing are the most common time. You know things the word is escaping me today, but that is how we are like. We do things with our time, right? So many people use time blocking and time boxing in their everyday routine.


Okay, however, I personally use a form of more of emotional capacity to decide what I'll be working on and in what order, based on priority. So, if you've been around for a hot second, I have talked to you about, like, deciding what I'm working on each day based off of my emotional capacity. Right, that also is my time and energy capacity. I feel like they all go together, but it starts with this one thing. So some people might think the way I plan my week is definitely a little chaotic, and they may be right. Okay, they definitely may be right. However, I have to work on what feels good, right, that emotional capacity or, until the ADHD panic button has impressed, like that will also, just, like you know, make me jump into action. But this allows me personally this is how I do this personally to be more productive and assess when my capacity is each and every day, and so we take into account the time I have available, we take into account the energy in which I wake up with in the morning, and we take into account what feels really good emotionally to work on, what is going to light me up to work on. That's on my task list, and I'm I'm as an operation specialist like that might sound a little crazy, but I've been able to set up my business in order to be able to do those things.


Now, when you work for people that you absolutely love, right, you have a joy to do the tasks that they assigned to you or, you know, streamline the operations in my case, all that stuff, right? So I have actually set up many different ways to manage capacity for CEOs, and so it's based off of their personality and what time they have available, their energy, the things that they're already struggling with. You know, delegating all of this. So the whole point of this is that you must figure out a way to manage your capacity in order to continue growing your business and not bring out so burnout is a state of complete mental and physical, along with emotional exhaustion. Okay, and none of those words sounded fantastic, right? Burnout, exhaustion, yeah. So that means you've literally been at your capacity for long periods of time or you've surpassed it and your body essentially shuts down, right. This can lead to illness, lack of creativity and much more. Okay, so you know you're going to need to rest or you're going to burn out. You're going to need to have a schedule that aligns with your capacity or you're going to burn out. That's like the bottom line. So many business owners do actually burn out, especially in the beginning. I definitely burned out.


When I first started my virtual assistant business, this was like four years ago now because I scaled faster than my systems, my team members or my capacity could hold, and that is why I preach streamline your systems, right. Implement your systems, I should say, right from the beginning, and then you can essentially reassess them as your business grows to accommodate what that level looks like at that time. But whenever anything does change, especially drastically or very quickly, you already have that foundation in place and you're not scrambling or burning out in that case. Right. So streamlining your operations will actually support you with your capacity. Okay, because it allows you to have a plan for one. It allows you to do things more efficiently, which takes less time and energy, which means it takes less capacity, right? So, to finish up this episode, your capacity is linked to your productivity and efficiency.


Okay, so you can absolutely expand your capacity by understanding what your capacity can actually hold I'm not overloading it what you need to delegate and ultimately implementing boundaries to safeguard your physical, emotional and intellectual capacity, right? You're all around self boundaries, delegating and understanding how your schedule even needs to be in order to, like you know, not burnout, right? So I'd love to hear from you over on Instagram. Drop me a DM over there. Do you feel that your capacity is good or do you feel like you're nearing burnout and you need to implement change? Because I want to chat with you. I want to see what my listeners here are feeling as far as capacity, their time and energy and all that stuff, right, or are you nearing burnout, like? This is a real thing, and I don't want anyone, especially anyone listening or anyone I work with, to be struggling with burnout, because there is a better way, and I'd love to support you in figuring out what that is for you. So have an amazing day. Bye for now.