Streamlined CEO

Strategies for Effective Energy Management

Karalee Gault Episode 22

Ever feel like you’re constantly on a roller coaster ride of energy peaks and dips? Welcome to the club! On Neurodivergent Bytes, we dismantle the myth of constant productivity, acknowledging that our energy levels naturally ebb and flow - and that's okay. We dive into the crucial role of self-care in preventing burnout and share how you can keep tabs on your energy levels with a trusty energy list. We also explore why it's essential to prioritize your own needs over the desire to please others. Alongside all these insights, we serve up practical strategies for managing your energy effectively.

Have you ever thought that striving for perfection all the time might be an unachievable ideal? Well, it's time to cut yourself some slack. In this thought-provoking conversation, we tackle the challenge of setting realistic standards and the importance of recognizing when you've done enough. We open up about the pitfalls of perfectionism, leaning into experiences from my own journey. You'll gain valuable insights on how to find a balance between high-energy and low-energy days, and learn how to rest without feeling guilty. So whether you're grappling with energy management or seeking advice on maintaining your mental health, grab your favorite brew and join us in this enlightening discussion.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, amazing humans, welcome back to neurodivergent bites. I am your host, cara Lee, and we're gonna be talking about doing our best and what in the world that actually means. Okay, because a lot of us are in a hustle and grind culture. I know we're kind of walking out of it, kind of not. You know, it's just a weird time to be alive, I feel like. But there's this saying that I have run across so many times and it's you're trying to make your best your normal, and so we're gonna unpack that in today's podcast episode.

Speaker 1:

Okay, because your best cannot be your normal for a few reasons. Because if you're looking at a graph, okay, that would mean that your energy and your ability to crank out, you know tasks and get those done, and you know all the stuff would be the exact same every single day. It would be linear, okay, it would be a straight line on this graph. But in reality, that's not how our energy levels work. That's not how our to do list works. That's not real life. Real life looks more like a roller coaster that has a bunch of hills, right. It's like spikes on a graph, right Like your heartbeat. You know how it goes up and down, right? That is what real life looks like. There's a lot of high peaks where we've got a lot of good energy and we feel good about it and we're able to knock out a bunch of stuff, and then we've got a lot of low peaks right. But in between those high peaks and low peaks is where a lot of decisions get to be made right, because, unlike when we're monitoring our heartbeat and it's a really really fast up and down that's not what we're monitoring in real life. Okay, in real life it can happen that fast. Of course, one day you could have a ton of energy, in the next you could have none. That is real life and we're not talking about that quite not much of a difference in this really short period of time in today's podcast.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so the part between your highest peak and your lowest peak, okay. So the highest peak is your best, okay, and then the lowest peak is your low, and in between we have got a bunch of different decisions that get made right. We've got obligations that we say yes to, we have a schedule that we put into place, we have projects that we take on, we have clients that we say yes to, we've got holidays. Maybe We've got kids and their activities or maybe their school, right. There's a lot, okay, and every single decision that you make in between your high and low peaks determines how far that valley essentially really is. Okay, so if you were looking at me in real life right now, you would see me like trying to like point this out, but because it says a podcast, you can actually see me, but I hope I'm making this imagery for you. Okay, so we've got a lot of big decisions to make between our best and our not so best right, our burnout, because that bottom valley is actually burnout. All right, so we want to make sure that we're taking care of ourselves, because otherwise burnout is going to be more natural and we don't want burnout to ever be a thing anymore. But because we're neurodivergent, burnout is is a lot easier to get to than it is for a neurotypical human, from my understanding. Okay, so I invite you to do this because I don't want you to be hustling and grinding and pushing yourself and not taking care of yourself, because that will put you into burnout sickness, like just not feeling good about life, like it could even be like a negative impact on your own self-worth, because you're trying to push yourself more and more every day and it's just not physically or mentally possible. Okay, so I'm gonna be real, real with you right now.

Speaker 1:

This was a really hard concept for me to wrap my head around, because I am a planner, I am a yes person. Okay, this is me in the past. Okay, so you know, five years ago, for example, I was a yes person, I was a big planner, like I was always trying to be that people pleaser, like it didn't matter what it did to me, or even necessarily my immediate family. It just it meant. What would it mean? Like, what would those other people think of me? Right? So if I said yes, they would like me. If I said no, they wouldn't like me. Okay, so I used to think in more black and white and now I think in a much different way, but I would always say yes or do things because of others. It was never about me.

Speaker 1:

And so once we're able to flip that mindset to, I want to stay in a more genuinely happier state. That means you have to put yourself first here in some capacity. So we're looking at self-care, we're talking about resting, just to rest. You don't have to earn your rest If your body is like saying like you wake up that morning and you're just like I just can't, I want you to go and figure out what energy level list that you are looking at. If you haven't grabbed that, create your energy list, go ahead and grab that below. It's a free download that you can grab. That walks you through my energy lists. For this exact roller coaster type of things. We have a high, medium and low I believe is what I ended up calling them levels of energy that you can create. This list that allows you to know know exactly what you should be working on in those days so that if you wake up with low energy, you don't have to spend what energy you have trying to figure out what you should work on for that day. It's been game changer for a lot of people to just be able to really evaluate what they can do with what energy levels.

Speaker 1:

But in general, we want to make sure that we are still taking care of ourselves just as much. There are literal days where I do nothing. I make sure that I feed myself or enlist help to make sure that happens. Let's be real. I don't worry about my dishes, I don't worry about my laundry. I literally just sit and read or I watch TV or I do something from with my family, if that's what I feel like I need, because that is self-care to me. That has helped me 1000% more than ever.

Speaker 1:

Pushing and grinding Okay, because if we're pushing and grinding all week, then when are we supposed to have a break? Like, our body can only go for so long, right. So if you're trying to make that pushing and grinding like your output every single day, you will end up failing at the end because that's not realistic, okay. So don't try to make their best, that pushing and grinding and full on your normal, because it will lead to burnout and we won't burn out. Prevention, not burnout, guaranteed, okay. However, you want to look at that because there, like I said, there are so many components to this. How many yeses, how many things are on your to-do list, how much help you have you know what I mean. So if you don't have a lot of help, then we need to make sure we're not taking on more than we can realistically handle. Okay, allow room for that. Those low energy days that are inevitable.

Speaker 1:

If you're like I, need some support in evaluating my schedule or evaluating what in the world is even going on in my life here, so that way, I can even remotely do this. I'm going to invite you to sign up for my free masterclass that is taking place in the beginning of November of 2023. Okay, and you can go ahead and jump on that wait list for that fun masterclass that's going to be talking all about your schedule and really this. This comes down to your schedule and your energy levels, and we're gonna go through all of that in this master class. That's 100% free to you and like really just get you freaking started and feeling good. Okay, because that is step one, especially with the holidays coming up, like we cannot be hustling and grinding like you're doing now. If that's what you're doing, like we really gotta slow it down and really take care of ourselves, and I've learned a lot about and experienced, like, what this does in your brain and body. Okay, so I am no newbie to this. All right, I know it can be done. I have done it myself and I continue to do this for myself and others and support you along the way.

Speaker 1:

If you would like to jump on that wait list for that master class, go ahead and head to the show notes. You can also grab the create your energy list down there as well. So go ahead and grab those things. If you wanna, send me a DM so we can chat more about it, see what would be best for you. Go ahead and head on over to our social media platforms and send me a DM, whichever one you desire to talk to me on. I am open and we can go ahead and just really connect there and see what is best for you.

Speaker 1:

But until next time, remember that you do not have to make your best your normal. Your best can just be your best and it can happen once a week, once a month, once a quarter. Okay, we need to be realistic with our standards and throw perfection out the window, because your best cannot be your everyday normal and prevent burnout. Okay, plain and simple. So if you have any questions, send me a DM. Be happy to have a chat with you. If you wanna grab a coffee chat too, you can go ahead and do that in the show notes below as well. Have an amazing rest of your day. Bye for now.