Streamlined CEO

Morning Routines: Power of the Last Step

Karalee Gault Episode 19

How often does your morning routine derail, leaving you scrambling to catch up with the day? Do you find task management a insane task? Well, you're in the right place.

Struggling with routines isn't uncommon, especially for those of us who are neurodivergent. In today's episode, I share my personal journey on mastering morning routines despite having ADHD. I'll reveal how focusing on the last step in the routine—grabbing a cup of coffee, in my case—helps me transition smoothly into work mode. We'll talk about making routines work for you, with room for flexibility depending on your needs and energy levels.

But we won't stop there. We dive deeper into the significance of the last step in routines, discussing how it can shape your day. Better habits and productivity can be cultivated, even for those of us with unique brain wiring, and a well-structured routine can be a game-changer. We'll also explore task management systems, and how they can supercharge your organization, efficiency, and punctuality. With personal experiences and recommendations, we demystify task management, making it accessible for everyone.

So whether you're an entrepreneur, a mom, or anyone seeking to improve their time management skills or restructure their morning routines, grab your cup of coffee (or tea), and let's make the most of our days together!

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Speaker 1:

Hello, amazing humans, welcome back to neurodivergent bites. I am your host, carol Lee. Today I want to talk to you about my morning routine and how routines do not have to be scary. They can be incredibly beneficial, even if you struggle to follow them. I'm going to share with you the most important thing about a routine and how you can almost always make sure that you follow through.

Speaker 1:

So part of your day is a morning routine. This is what makes your day either start out really well we don't know how we're going to feel our energy is going to be when we first wake up in the morning. So it's incredibly important to have a very flexible routine that has a few key components to make sure that we're moving in good for the day. In my morning routine, I get up around about. I give myself a full hour to get out of bed and still be able to get my core things done. That I need to do every morning, because sometimes you just need a little bit of extra sleep. Sometimes we're just struggling to get out of bed and we don't want to shame ourselves for that. We want to embrace it. So I'm going to give you an inside scoop here on how I managed to be able to keep up with a morning routine, even though I have ADHD and I hate routines. This has been Game Changer.

Speaker 1:

The very important part about a routine if you can do any part of it, it's the last step. Essentially, my last step between my morning routine and starting my work day is getting coffee, and as long as I get coffee, my brain understands that the next step is going to be starting work. So on this channel, I'm always supporting you and being able to streamline different things so that way you can have more time, more focused time, working on your business and you feel far less stressed in your day. And so when you stick to routines like this, even if it's just that last step, you probably have things like brush your hair, brush your teeth, use the bathroom, move your feet, some animals and then we grab the coffee. You literally probably only need 20 minutes to do that, unless you live on a farm or something or have 5 million animals. Then maybe more, but you know what I mean. You're only going to need 5 to 10 minutes. Can you get out 5 to 10 minutes before you need to start working on your business?

Speaker 1:

Right Now, I purposely put in place a co-working time one and a half hours after I get up, and I do this on purpose because I want to make sure that I show up to that on time. But I realistically only have to get out of bed. I don't even have to throw clothes on if I don't want to. Let's just be real. You don't have to put on anything fancy to hop on some virtual co-working and get some work done Work on your business. Okay, I showed up in this really fussy pink unicorn hoodie thing the other day. I was like hey guys, this is me, this is the morning I'm having. You can show up however you want to. I lead by example in that respect. So what I was able to do was I got my coffee, showed up in my fluffy sweatshirt and I worked on my business.

Speaker 1:

My very first step when working on my business is to look at my task management system, and my task management system is what makes everything in my life manageable and has far less stress in how I save so much time. Plain and simple is my core system. Without it working properly, everything else has a trouble working properly as well, but when it's not working at all, like if we're not using it at all. Everything else is complete and utter chaos period. Okay, so we want to ensure that we have a task management system. You don't have a task management system yet. I encourage you to get a task management system. Okay, whether that be pen and paper, whether that be a software, project management software, whether that be a to-do list, I don't care what you have, but I need everything in one location written down for what you need to work on, because otherwise you're wasting so much time finding what you need to work on or figuring it out. So, as it comes, you need to put in your task management system. This allows you to be on time for more things. It allows you to utilize your time more efficiently. It allows you to actually hit deadlines. All right, now, that doesn't mean that it's going to be foolproof, like I still have overdue tasks on my list because we still struggle with knowing how long things are going to take us and unexpected life things happen. So it's not like a it'll be all, like it's going to work and fix all of your problems, but you know what? It's going to exponentially streamline and eliminate, or at least minimize, a lot of the problems that you're having.

Speaker 1:

As far as time, as far as like remembering things, like brain fog, like different things like that, it's all centrally located in some sort of software or planner, whatever it is. So if you're like someone who has their phone with them all the time probably are in this day and age so you want to find something that can be share it across multiple devices, across your laptop or desktop, a tablet or iPad on a phone. Right, you want it to where it can go across all of them and you want it to where it can be utilized very efficiently. So if you have a pen and paper, you can remember to take it everywhere when you have all those random ideas or those tasks that you think of when you know you're out at the store. Probably not, but are you going to have your phone with you? Yes, so you can pop it in your task management system and be good to go.

Speaker 1:

So the purpose of a task management system is to be able to operate as your second brain and help alleviate so much stress and then maximize your time so you can do things more efficiently, hit more deadlines, just be places on time, feel more put together and confident. Okay, I'm sure you want to feel all of those things. So I'm going to tell you really really quick what task management system that I recommend and why, but I'm going to do it really quick. Okay, I recommend ClickUp if you have someone walking you through it or you're willing to learn. Clickup is an all in one task management system and it has so many options that it can be incredibly overwhelming, and, because of how it's set up, with their hierarchy, it really makes it more difficult to understand how it works. I always suggest, if you're going to use ClickUp, that you have someone supporting you, like myself, to be able to support you in setting up ClickUp. Okay, I do also suggest something that's called Sunsama. Sunsama is more closer to a paper planner, but digital. I used it for about a year and a half before it. Just it wasn't robust enough for what I needed, and so that's when I moved to ClickUp. Okay, clickup does have a free version. Sunsama does not. It's worth every penny. In my opinion. It's $20 a month as I'm recording this. All right, if you use my link below, you can get 30 days for free, as long as that hasn't changed either. But I still highly, highly recommend Sunsama and I highly recommend ClickUp, depending on where you are in your business, depending on if you have a team or not, and depending how many things you need to stay organized, right.

Speaker 1:

Everything in life is essentially a system or routine. It's a process, so it's a set of steps. That's what a system is, and so a system is going to help you get from point A to point B or point A to point Z, right? So everything in between is the steps. So morning routine has steps, from the time you get out of bed or when your alarm goes off really a step one to the time you switch. To quote, unquote, this next routine Right, how do we actually follow through with these things? How do we actually get the work done? How do we work with our brain? How do we get the confidence, like all those other things, right the time.

Speaker 1:

If you're a mom, you have ADHD, anything like that Home school, like there are so many ways to be able to do this. Okay, I'm a mom, I have ADHD, I have neurodivergent children, I work from home, right, lots of distractions there. So many things. If you can relate, I really want to connect with you. Okay, I also want to invite you to join the waitlist for the ClickUp program that will be launching in January of 2024. We are going to go in-depth into ClickUp and really get it set up for you as a central hub. So if you have been really wanting to have that central hub set up and I truly believe that ClickUp can work for anyone, because I have seen inside of so many different businesses and literally everyone's ClickUp is set up a little differently and so in this program we're going to be able to give you the core foundation of ClickUp and then we're going to be able to kind of jump in more personally and we're going to be able to actually make sure that it's working for you, your brain and your business. Okay, I'm going to show you how to put stuff in there for your personal life, literally the central hub that runs all the things. Everything connects down into ClickUp. All right, so make sure you join that waitlist.

Speaker 1:

If it is past January 2024 and you are watching this, go ahead and grab all the details For that ClickUp program and we will go ahead and get started. All right, that's all for today. This is how routines can help you do. The next thing, the most important part, is the last step. We actually make that a really fun joke in our house, but it is so easy to forget that last step and that's the reason it throws everything off. So when we actually are able to be intentional with that last step, knowing that that's the thing that makes the biggest difference, that's when habits and routines and your schedule for your day goes so much smoother. Okay, so if you haven't subscribed, make sure you subscribe, leave a review If you have found this very helpful to you and your business, and go ahead and go follow me on some social media platforms. Send me a DM if you want to connect and we can go ahead and see what would be the next best step for you. If you're feeling the vibe to work together, I would love to hear from you.